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2019 Rathbun Lake Protectors were recognized on September 19, 2019 at Rathbun Land and Water Alliance's Farm to Faucet Landowner Appreciation and Rathbun Regional Water Association's Water Treatment Plant Tour.
Pictured L-R: John Glenn, Rathbun Land and Water Alliance President and RRWA CEO; Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Marty Adkins, recently retired Iowa’s Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships; Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Karen Fynaardt, recently retired Executive Assistant for the Director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources; Rodney and Roberta Hitt, Lucas County Rathbun Lake Protectors, and Lyle Allred and sons, Dan Allred, Terry Allred, and grandson Bronson Allred, Wayne County Rathbun Lake Protectors.
2018 Rathbun Lake Protectors were recognized on September 20, 2018 at the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance's Farm to Faucet Landowner Appreciation and Rathbun Regional Water Association's Water Treatment Plant Tour.
Pictured L-R: RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn; Clarke County Rathbun Lake Protector, David Bear; Lucas County Rathbun Lake Protector, Troy Lust; and Appanoose County Rathbun Lake Protector, and Laura and Arvin Vos.
2017 Rathbun Lake Protectors pictured above L-R: John Glenn, RLWA President and RRWA CEO; Pam and Dave Teno accepting for Monroe County Protector, Joseph Parenza; Wayne County Protector, David Murrow; Appanoose County Protectors Lorena and Keith Lain; and Clarke County Protector, Virginia Reynolds.
2016 Rathbun Lake Protectors were recognized September 22 at the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance's "Farm to Faucet Landowner Appreciation" held at Rathbun Regional Water Association's new water treatment plant. (Pictured L-R) Clarke County Robert and Marilyn Arndorfer, Lucas County Walter Faulconer, Wayne County Rick and Page Mitteness, Wayne County Ricky and Mary Davis, and Rathbun Land and Water Alliance President and Rathbun Regional Water Association CEO, John Glenn.
Pictured left to right: Iowa DNR Director, Chuck Gipp, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, Dwaine Evans, Twyla Evans, the Pat and Amy Evans family, Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds, and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey. |
Accepting the Iowa Environmental Farm Leader Award on behalf of his parents Keith and Angela Dachenbach of Russell, Ryan Dachenbach is pictured center with Iowa DNR Director Chuck Gipp and Iowa Governor Terry Branstad at left and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey at right. The award was given at a special ceremony at the 2016 Iowa State Fair.
Branstad, Reynolds, Northey and Gipp Recognize 94 Families With Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award
(DES MOINES) – Gov. Terry E. Branstad, Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds, Iowa Sec. of Agriculture Bill Northey and Iowa Department of Natural Resources Director Chuck Gipp presented 94 Iowa farm families with the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award during a ceremony at the Iowa State Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 17.
“It is a pleasure to have the chance every year to recognize Iowans and their families who go above and beyond to be good stewards of our land,” said Branstad. “Iowa farmers take pride in conservation efforts and preserving and protecting our water and natural resources. The Farm Environmental Leader award gives us all an opportunity to recognize their efforts.”
Reynolds added, “The passion and commitment exhibited by the farmers honored at this year’s Farm Environmental Leader awards was inspiring. The work they have done to protect our water quality and soil is exemplary. We know that across Iowa farmers are committed to protecting the land and we were pleased to be able to highlight the work of some farm families’ great work.”
The award is a joint effort between the Governor, Lt. Governor, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources to recognize the efforts of Iowa’s farmers as environmental leaders committed to healthy soils and improved water quality. It seeks to recognize the exemplary voluntary actions of farmers that improve or protect the environment and natural resources of our state while also encouraging other farmers to follow in their footsteps by building success upon success.
This is the fifth year for the award program and to date more than 400 families have received recognition.
“Iowa is a national leader in conservation and water quality efforts and these awards are an opportunity to recognize the farmers who are leading the way and highlight the significant investment they making to better care for our air, soil and water,” Northey said.
Winners were presented a certificate as well as a yard sign donated by Monsanto and a commemorative program provided by the Iowa Ag Water Alliance. Hagie Manufacturing sponsored a recognition luncheon following the ceremony. Bob Quinn from WHO Radio served as the Master of Ceremony.
All winners were chosen by a selection group representing both conservation and agricultural groups.
The selection group that approved the 2016 winners included Jim Gillespie from the Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Bruce Trautman from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Jim Frederick from the Conservation Districts of Iowa, John Lawrence from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Sean McMahon from Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance, David De Geus from The Nature Conservancy, Jeff Pape from the Iowa Farm Bureau, Roger Zylstra from the Iowa Corn Growers Association, Jim Andrew from the Iowa Soybean Association, Pat Daufeldt from the Iowa Turkey Federation, Dan Wetherell from the Iowa Pork Producers Association and Katie Oltoff from the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association.
To view a copy of the 2016 Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Awards program with a listing of awardees, please click here.
Rathbun Lake Protectors Program
Everyone can help protect Rathbun Lake! Landowners, homeowners, and business owners in the lake's watershed, visitors to the lake, and rural water users can all do something to keep Rathbun Lake clean. The Rathbun Land and Water Alliance and its partners have created the Rathbun Lake Protectors Program to encourage and recognize actions by individuals to protect Rathbun Lake.
Each year, the Alliance invites the six Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the Rathbun Lake Watershed to consider nominating individuals to be recognized for their contributions to the protection of Rathbun Lake.
These individuals have been willing to try new approaches to water quality improvement and their nominations are based on past efforts as well as present and planned actions to protect water quality.
Pictured L-R: Featured speaker, Dr. Eugene Takle; Appanoose County Protectors, Tim and Linda Glenn; Monroe County Protectors, CD and Mary Lou Curran; Clarke County Protectors, Warren and Sue Keeler; Lucas County Protectors, Dwight and Jean Joy, represented by farm manager Aaron Parmer, Wayne County Rathbun Lake Protectors, Evelyn and Howard Evitt; Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Mark Fesheke; and Rathbun Land and Water Alliance President, John Glenn. |
Pictured L-R: Featured speaker, Dr. Matthew Helmers; Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Jerry Miller; Lucas County Protectors, Robert and Carolyn Erickson; Clarke County Protectors, Jason and Amy Boyer; Wayne County Protectors, Rhonda and Richard Mason and Max Moore; Appanoose County Protectors, Doyle and Barbara Ewing, Rathbun Land and Water Alliance President, John Glenn.
Pictured L-R: Dr. Chad Hart, Appanoose County Protectors, Mary and Arthur Lemley; Clarke County Protector, Kenlyn Kelso; Decatur County Protector, Judd Dent; Monroe County Protectors, Norman Vote and Mike and Brenda Ryan; Lucas County Protectors, Adam and Sara Curran; Wayne County Protector the late Grandpa Bob Brown represented by grandsons Troy and Mike Brown; and RLWA President and Rathbun Regional Water Association CEO, John Glenn |
2011 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey, featured speaker at the 6th Annual Protect Rathbun Lake Meeting; Clarke County Protector, Bob Trisler and daughter, Stephanie Mendenhall; Lucas County Protectors, Jeff and Jayne Miller; Appanoose County Protectors, Dale and Barbara Sievers; Wayne County Protectors, Gerald and Geraldine Becker; Decatur County Protectors, DAN-D-ACRES II family representative, Lanny Redman; 2011 Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Bill Duey; and RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn.
Not pictured: Wayne County Protectors, Brian and Lisa Moore. |
2010 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Wayne County, Lowell and Merilynn Frame; Wallace's Farmer Editor, Rod Swoboda; Appanoose County, Rob and Betty Rae Potts; Clarke County Terry and Lorie Bear; RLWA President, John Glenn; Lucas County Martha Shanks; Alliance Board member, Kim Francisco; and Honorary Protector, Doug Bahl. Not pictured, Wayne County, Glen and Linda Holm; and Decatur County, Rick and Joy Jackson. |
2009 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Risk Management Specialist and Market Analyst, Walt Hackney;
Appanoose County, Karen and Daryl Tisue; RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn; Lucas County, Dennis, Connie , and Doyle Smith; and Decatur County, Judy and Norman Jenkins. Not pictured is Wayne County Rathbun Lake Protector, Austin Bennett.
2008 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Lucas County Protectors, Anne and Travis Swartz, Sandy and Randy Swartz, and Twyla and Dwaine Evans; Wayne County Protectors, Barb and Jim Cory and Darla and Ron Main; Appanoose County Protectors, Connie and Chuck Hines; Clarke County Protectors, Tracy and Mike Shay; and Decatur County Protectors, Connie and Dick Hines. Back row: RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn and Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Division of Soil Conservation Director, Chuck Gipp.
2007 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Honorary Rathbun Lake Protector, Ubbo Agena;
Decatur County, Joe and Joanie Boggs; Lucas County, Brad and Cathy Reece;
RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn; Appanoose County, Paul and Suzanne Turner;
Lucas County, Rick, Kathy, and Marshall Schultz; and Clarke County,
Steve and Dody Osgood. Not pictured: Wayne County, Dorothy Conner
and Wayne County, Jim and Marlene Carlise.
2006 Rathbun Lake Protectors
Pictured L-R: Wayne County, Jim and Betty Carpenter; Appanoose County, Jean and Charles Argo; RLWA President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn; and Decatur County, Betty and Jim Sullivan. Not pictured are Lucas County, Mike and Nick Hunter, and Clarke County, Jeff Sullivan. |