Rathbun Land and Water Alliance featured on The Iowa Minute
Watch The Iowa Minute which featured the conservation work carried out by landowners in the Rathbun Lake Watershed through the Protect Rathbun Lake Project.
September 2018, Marty Braster - Iowa Farm Progress Show interview
Rathbun Lake Protector interviews are featured quarterly on WHO Radio's The Big Show with Bob Quinn. Bob is pictured above (at right with headset) at Rathbun Regional Water Association during a live broadcast of The Big Show. Clarke/Decatur County Rathbun Lake Protectors, Jim and Betty Sullivan, sit at his side preparing to go on the air. Rathbun Land and Water Alliance President and RRWA CEO, John Glenn, is pictured to Bob's right. At left, sitting across the table are RRWA Plant Superintendent, Jer Buckingham and RRWA Environmental Management Specialist, Marty Braster.
To listen to Protector interviews, click on links below.
John Glenn, Celebrating the Alliance's 25 Years
Kevin Luedtke, Celebrating the Alliance's 25 Years
Remote broadcast at Quality Ag Services, April 2021
The Big Show with John Glenn and Bruce Trautman,
Wayne County Protector, Dan Allred, interview.
Lucas County Protector, Troy Lust interview.
Appanoose County Protector, Arvin Vos interview.
Lucas County Protector, Mark Batchelder interview.
Appanoose County Protector, Keith Lain interview
March 2018 interview.
Monroe County Protector, Joe Parenza interview.
Lucas County Protector, Mark Batcheler interview.
Clarke County Protector, Bob Arndorner interview.
Wayne County Protector, Rick Mitteness interview.
Clarke County Protector, Warren Keeler interview.
Lucas County Protector, Keith Dachenbach interview.
Wayne County Protector, Mark Brown, grandson and family representative of Grandpa Bob Brown family interview.
John Glenn - Govenor's Environmental Awards
Appanoose County Protector, Tim Glenn
Monroe County Protector, CD Curran interview - 4:00
Appanoose County Protector, Art Lemley interview - 4:47
Lucas County Protector, Bob Trisler interview - 3:45
Rathbun Regional Water Association GIS Specialist, Tyler Jacobsen talks about the RLWA's Protect Rathbun Lake Project and the role GIS plays in identifying priority land - 4:03
John Glenn discusses the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance's Annual Meeting - 3:14
Lucas County Protectors, Rick and Marshal Schlutz were interviewed during this live broadcast of The Big Show at Honey Creek Resort State Park - 48:21
Lucas County Protector, Pat Evans interview - 1:52
Clarke County Protector, Mike Shay interview - 2:14
Clarke County Protector, Terry Bear interview - 4:16
Decatur County Protector, Rick Jackson interview - 2:29
Appanoose County Protector, Chuck Moore interview - 9:02
Decatur County Protectors, Jim and Betty Sullivan interview - 8:19
Wayne County Protector, Jim Cory. - 4:12
Appanoose County Protector, Charles Argo and brother Rex interview - 5:12
Wayne County Protector, Jim Carpenter interview - 10:44
Rathbun Lake Protectors are also featured on a quarterly basis in the Wallaces Farmer Magazine.
To read recent articles, click on Protector name below.

Clarke County - Jason and Amy Boyer
Appanoose County - Art and Mary Lemley
RRWA new plant dedication
RLWA has good year
Alliance Sponsors Hay Bale Art Contest
Alliance uses GIS to identify priority land
WHO Tractor Ride tours Rathbun Lake Watershed
Governor Branstad Feature
Lucas County - Evans Family
Clarke County - Terry and Lorie Bear
Lucas County - Gene Shanks Family
Appanoose County - Chuck and Connie Moore
Decatur County - Rick and Joy Jackson
Decatur County - Boggs
Lucas County - Swartz Family
Lucas County - Mike and Nick Hunter
2014 John Glenn is interviewed by KTVO about the two awards received by the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance - the Governor's Environmental Education Special Project Award and the Governor's Water Quality Special Project Award. Click here to watch the interview featured on KTVO.
2013 John Glenn discusses the Governor's Environmental Excellence Award given to the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance.
Click here to watch the interview that was featured on KTVO.
Field Day with Bob Quinn
Lucas County Protector, Troy Lust interview.
Appanoose County Protector, Arvin Vos interview.
Lucas County Protector, Mark Batchelder interview.
Appanoose County Protector, Keith Lain interview
March 2018 interview.
Monroe County Protector, Joe Parenza interview.
Lucas County Protector, Mark Batcheler interview.
Clarke County Protector, Bob Arndorner interview.
Wayne County Protector, Rick Mitteness interview.
Clarke County Protector, Warren Keeler interview.
Lucas County Protector, Keith Dachenbach interview.
Wayne County Protector, Mark Brown, grandson and family representative of Grandpa Bob Brown family interview.
John Glenn - Govenor's Environmental Awards
Appanoose County Protector, Tim Glenn
Monroe County Protector, CD Curran interview - 4:00
Appanoose County Protector, Art Lemley interview - 4:47
Lucas County Protector, Bob Trisler interview - 3:45
Rathbun Regional Water Association GIS Specialist, Tyler Jacobsen talks about the RLWA's Protect Rathbun Lake Project and the role GIS plays in identifying priority land - 4:03
John Glenn discusses the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance's Annual Meeting - 3:14
Lucas County Protectors, Rick and Marshal Schlutz were interviewed during this live broadcast of The Big Show at Honey Creek Resort State Park - 48:21
Lucas County Protector, Pat Evans interview - 1:52
Clarke County Protector, Mike Shay interview - 2:14
Clarke County Protector, Terry Bear interview - 4:16
Decatur County Protector, Rick Jackson interview - 2:29
Appanoose County Protector, Chuck Moore interview - 9:02
Decatur County Protectors, Jim and Betty Sullivan interview - 8:19
Wayne County Protector, Jim Cory. - 4:12
Appanoose County Protector, Charles Argo and brother Rex interview - 5:12
Wayne County Protector, Jim Carpenter interview - 10:44
Rathbun Lake Protectors are also featured on a quarterly basis in the Wallaces Farmer Magazine.
To read recent articles, click on Protector name below.

Clarke County - Jason and Amy Boyer
Appanoose County - Art and Mary Lemley
RRWA new plant dedication
RLWA has good year
Alliance Sponsors Hay Bale Art Contest
Alliance uses GIS to identify priority land
WHO Tractor Ride tours Rathbun Lake Watershed
Governor Branstad Feature
Lucas County - Evans Family
Clarke County - Terry and Lorie Bear
Lucas County - Gene Shanks Family
Appanoose County - Chuck and Connie Moore
Decatur County - Rick and Joy Jackson
Decatur County - Boggs
Lucas County - Swartz Family
Lucas County - Mike and Nick Hunter
2014 John Glenn is interviewed by KTVO about the two awards received by the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance - the Governor's Environmental Education Special Project Award and the Governor's Water Quality Special Project Award. Click here to watch the interview featured on KTVO.
2013 John Glenn discusses the Governor's Environmental Excellence Award given to the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance.
Click here to watch the interview that was featured on KTVO.
Field Day with Bob Quinn
On Wednesday, September 2, Bob Quinn, host of 1040 WHO Radio’s “The Big Show,” traveled to rural Lucas County to conduct a live broadcast of the show which airs each weekday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
In coordination with the Rathbun Land and Water Alliance’s Protect Rathbun Lake efforts and Quinn’s Clean Water in Iowa Starts Here initiative, the show focused on the conservation practices installed on the farms of landowners whose land is located within the Rathbun Lake Watershed. The watershed is located in the six southern Iowa counties of Appanoose, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, and Wayne.
Click on the photos below to listen to the interview segments.
Interview segment four